Thursday, November 7, 2013


So remember in my last post when I mentioned that my skin use to be really bad? Well I decided I would do a little blog post to tell you my journey into clearing up my problematic skin. 

Now as we all know, everyone’s skin is different and although some things might work for me, it is not guaranteed to work for everyone; but if you have a similar skin type and you are currently struggling with blemishes, perhaps some of these suggestions might work for you! 

So first things first, we must address what kind of skin that I have! My skin normally tends to be normal to combination, although in the winter my skin does get a few dry spots. Back in February of this year my skin was as terrible as ever and my wedding was only 3 months away. I went on a search for something to clear my skin up before my wedding day. I was a girl on a mission and nothing was going to stop me from getting the smooth skin that I wanted (Plus I didn't want to worry about my skin while on our honeymoon! No one wants to conceal blemishes when you are soaking up some sun).

 I did a ton of research, asked all of my friends what their skin regimes were and went to town sampling tons of different ways to clear my skin up! I started with my makeup brushes. I know everyone always says you need to clean your makeup brushes at least once a week…but let’s be honest… who has time to do that? With school, work and wedding planning my days were already crammed full! Although you might feel like it can be something you can put off, think about all of the product and bacteria getting built up on your brushes from daily makeup applications, touch ups, contact with blemishes…it starts to look pretty gross pretty quickly! Find the time, and do it! I promise it makes a world of difference!

 I got a little crazy and was washing the brushes I used on my face once a day, but if you are using great acne fighting products and can’t figure out why you are still breaking out, give your brushes a wash and see if that helps! I just gently washed my brushes with a little dish soap (it kills bacteria and cuts through oils and grease) and let them dry overnight. That’s step one.

 The next thing I did was research some of the best drugstore acne fighting products. The two that ended up working for me were the St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Cleanser and the Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion.

 First let’s talk about this Cleanser. Do not get it confused for the Apricot Face Scrub! These are not the same thing! The Fresh Skin Cleanser is not as abrasive on the skin as the scrub, does a great job getting rid of all of your makeup and gets your skin nice and clean. Don’t get me wrong, the scrub is also nice, but I have found that if I use it every day my skin becomes sensitive.The Apricot Face Cleanser can be a little hard to find though. I've had most of my luck finding it at Walmart. Most other stores I have found only sell the face scrub.

 Now the real star of this blog post is really the Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion. This stuff is the (Yes, the 90’s called and I know they want their phrase back…but they can’t have it!) This stuff changed my face for the better! I loved it so much, I went on to Amazon (where I didn't even purchase it) just to write an amazing review about it. I found this product after typing into Google “Best drugstore acne fighting products” and the common denominator for all of the lists seemed to be this product. I went to Ulta and picked it up and have used it ever since! As you can see, my product is looking a little empty and that’s because it is. I need to go purchase another (this is already number 2 for me). It says that “visibly reduces breakouts in 8 hours”…and I don’t know about that, but I saw an improvement the next morning after using it. I put this on morning and evening after washing my face and all of my current breakouts cleared up and no new blemishes were forming! It was incredible! It does take a little time for the dark marks from previous problem areas to disappear, but in due time they start to fade. 

 I have used these products religiously since discovering them and as I type, there is not one blemish on my face! In case you were wondering, my face was perfectly clear until the morning of the wedding, and I woke up to one little spot. It seems that things always work out that way, am i right? That's the beauty of makeup though! 

Anyways, I hope if you decide to try these products that you find them as helpful as I did. I definitely went through a couple brands of cleansers and moisturizers to find this power team but alas! Here they are! Leave a comment letting me know if you have tried these products and your thoughts on them, or if you have found a product that you couldn't live without! I’m always looking for new products to try! 

 Thanks for reading!

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